After Hours Irrigation Hotline - 1-866-263-3988
Please only use this number between 5PM and 8AM.
Please note that the Kings Point Community is covered under the SCCW Master Association's variance with the SouthWest Florida Water Management District. This variance exempts the community from the one day a week water restrictions currently in place with Hillsborough County. A copy of this variance can be viewed by clicking here.
Kings Point Irrigation
What's Does The Kings Point Irrigation System Consist Of?
Last Updated 6/10/2019
- 5 Hubs
- 69 Pumps Ranging from 5 HP to 75 HP
- 68 Flow Meters
- 67 Controllers
- 1,624 Zone Valves
- Miles of Pipe From 1.25" to 8"
- 4 Deep Wells
- 6 Association Irrigation Wells
- 20 Lake Recharge Wells
- 67 Rain Sensors
- 58 Moisture Sensors
- Miles of Control Wire

Watering and Inspection Schedules
Last Updated 04/01/2020
Please note that watering schedule may vary from time to time because of various factors like rain delay, high moisture levels or routine maintenance. Your irrigation cycles start at 8:00 pm and run until 8:00 am. Specific times that they run are NOT available due to varying factors.

Monthly Scheduled System Inspections
Scheduled inspections are held once a month in each association.
During these inspections each zone is turned on and the emitters (spray heads, drips and rotors) are checked for proper function. The technicians are also checking for leaks, proper valve operation, and adjusting sprays and rotors to make sure they are functioning properly. Minor repairs are made at this time as needed and any larger repairs are scheduled.
All About Upkeep
UpKeep is the Work Order Irrigation Request system. This system is used the Associations Irrigation Contact (POC). POC's can submit requests 24/7 through this Cloud based system which allows Requestors, Administrators, and Technicians the ability to submit photos and comments and track or update the status of any request in “real time”. Upkeep is easy to use and keeps everyone informed as to Work Order status.
Each Association is required to have a Board & Irrigation Contact Form on file with the Master Association. The MA uses this forms to set up the designated POC's into the Upkeep System. Upon being set you will receive an email invitation link from Upkeep that will prompt you to set up a password to get you into the system. Video instructions for set up and inputting work order requests can be found on the left and screen shot instructions are located below.
If you need further assistance with using Upkeep you can email us at to set up an appointment.
Any requests to be added as an Association POC must come through your Association's President or board member.
Click here to be taken to the Upkeep login page.